Person of Interest Wiki
Person of Interest Wiki
Person of Interest Wiki

Companies and other businesses are an important part of the Person of Interest universe, and some have made multiple appearances. This directory is a collection of fictional company and brand names that exist in the Person of Interest universe.

Fictional companies are created by TV productions when using copyrighted brands or trademarks would lead to legal or trademark issues, or to avoid product placement. Production companies may use their own brands to add more authenticity to the show universe by creating brands with actual real-world counterparts. Fictional businesses, such as Virtanen Pharmaceuticals, can also act as story-telling demands, and become a useful tool when developing the narrative.

Website interfaces, advertisements, or company logos are often designed to resemble real-life equivalents as closely as possible. For example, the interface design used for Logan Pierce's social networking site as well as the company's background are reminiscent of Facebook and its development. "Atlantic Fidelity", a credit card institution that makes several appearances in the show uses a similar name and logo as the real-life investment firm "Fidelity Atlantic, Inc".

Some of the domains mentioned in the show are registered by Warner Bros.[1]

In Person of Interest there are several companies that have been established as reliable in-universe brands:

  • - A search engine frequently used by Finch
  • OneState Bank - Many characters have an account at OneState Bank
  • IFT - A world-renowned technology company involved in CPU architecture which also served as a front for building the Machine.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Image Name Appeared in
2x12 - Aero Oaxaca Aero Oaxaca Airlines
Prisoner's Dilemma”, “4C

Airline which John Warren used for a business trip to Mexico in May 2012. He was booked on seat 4C. The airline makes another brief appearance on a flight information screen in the episode “4C”.

3x13 - Airlines Airlines

Besides Zephyr Airlines, there are also other commercial airlines available for Person of Interest characters.

2x14 - Alchementary Alchementary
One Percent

Dating site created by Emily Morton designed to find the perfect match in love and business. The website appeared to be taken over by but in fact Logan Pierce wanted to work with Alchementary because he thought it was the better project.

3x03 - Shaw alias Angler
Lady Killer”, “Panopticon”, “Point of Origin”, “SNAFU

Location sharing app frequently used by Ian Murphy. Finch made fake profiles for Zoe, Carter, and Shaw. In “Panopticon”, Shaw receives messages from a man named Romeo. The Angler icon can be seen on websites in “Pretenders”. Samaritan used the website to track down Shaw's location in “Point of Origin

2x03 - Appleton Appleton Credit Union

Credit card union where Kelly Dyson kept an account.

2x21 - Atlantic Fidelity Atlantic Fidelity
Zero Day”, “The Perfect Mark”, “Lethe

Credit card company. Ernest Thornhill and Arthur Claypool have an account there.


Image Name Appeared in
3x03 - Banque Standard Suisse Banque Standard Suisse
Relevance”, “Lady Killer

Daniel Aquino received several transactions through the bank which were used to frame and assassinate him. In “Lady Killer” Finch says it's a shell corporation funded by Bruce Wellington who paid Ian Murphy to disappear, before he put a hit on him.

1x16 - BaylorZimm Baylor Zimm

An investment firm where Adam Saunders works. Sydney Baylor is a partner in the firm. The company was under investigation for insider trading by the SEC.

1x07 - Finch ATM Bayridge Savings Bank
Mission Creep”, “Witness”, “Identity Crisis”, “No Good Deed”, “The Contingency

Joey Durban and his gang robbed a branch of Bayridge Savings Bank in “Mission Creep”. There's also a branch near Charlie Burton's home in Brighton Beach. Henry Peck has an account there. In “The Contingency”, Root hacked into a bank account and transferred money from Bayridge Savings Bank to OneState Bank. One of the Jordan Hesters in “Identity Crisis” also kept an account at Bayridge. The other Jordan Hester had one at OneState Bank.

3x13 - IntLedger - Bazaar Black Market Bazaar

    Main article: Black Market Bazaar
A black market internet narcotics trafficking website which was created by Owen Matthews. The website was shut down by the FBI, but while active was considered the "eBay of narcotics."

1x22 - The Boroughs The Boroughs Magazine
No Good Deed

A magazine for which Grace Hendricks occasionally designs cover art. Harold Wren and Nicole Spencer both have subscriptions.

2x14 - BSSH Brooklyn School of Science and Humanities

Caleb Phipps' school. When Caleb's number came up, Finch worked undercover as substitute Maths teacher Mr. Swift.


Image Name Appeared in
3x22 - Carlton Hotel Carlton Hotel
A House Divided

Hotel in Manhattan where Control, Ross Garrison, Manuel Rivera, and Kyle Holcombe discuss Samaritan.

4x13 - Carrow Carrow Manufacturing

A factory in Maple, NY which is run by Leslie Thompson. Samaritan uses the place to manufacture transponders and neural implants. The factory closed after Root and Reese uncovered the true nature of its business while looking for Shaw.

2x12 - Chartered Bank of Grand Cayman Charter Bank of Grand Cayman
Matsya Nyaya”, “Prisoner's Dilemma

Offshore bank where usually dubious people keep large amounts of money. Charles Macavoy, suspected "Man in the Suit", had over $6 million in an account there. Kara Stanton accessed an account at Grand Cayman following her return from Ordos in “Matsya Nyaya”.

3x16 - Connectroid connectroid
One Percent”, “RAM

Social networking site created by Ben and Cynthia Kamin. The site was devalued by half when Logan Pierce's social networking site debuted. Daniel Casey's friend Lester Strickland keeps an account on

2x15 - Coronet The Coronet Hotel
Booked Solid”, “The Perfect Mark

A hotel Finch purchased after saving the life of a maid who worked there. When Hayden Price's number comes up, Finch arranges for his girlfriend to stay there.


Image Name Appeared in
3x06 - DarkNet Chat DarkNet
C.O.D.”, “Mors Praematura”, “RAM”, “Deus Ex Machina

    Main article: DarkNet
Hidden part of the Internet which is often used for illegal trades. Finch, Jason Greenfield, and Peter Collier have used the DarkNet at some point in the past.

Shot0001 Decima Technologies
Dead Reckoning”, “Trojan Horse”, mentioned in episodes with Greer

    Main article: Decima Technologies
A private, independent intelligence firm based out of Shanghai which is not affiliated with the Chinese government. It is connected to a covert group in league with the Chinese to steal U.S. data. The company is currently in possession of Samaritan.

1x22 - Decker North Decker, North & Associates
No Good Deed

A small financial firm where Henry Peck works as a chartered financial analyst. The firm is located in an IQZ Telecom building. It is really an NSA listening station.


Image Name Appeared in
3x19 - Most likely to -Slider East Springs High School
Most Likely To...

High School in Westchester, NY where Matthew Reed graduated from in 1994. Reese and Shaw pose as his class mates at their reunion after the Machine sent them Reed's number.

2x08 - East Village Publishing East Village Publishing
Til Death

Sabrina and Daniel Drake's publishing company founded in 1993. The company is known for publishing controversial books. They have published over 8,000 books with 500 new titles every year as well as 300 e-books. Genres include fiction, non-fiction, young adult, mystery and business.

2x06 - Everhold Safe Everhold Safes
The High Road
Shadow Box

Safe manufacturer making high quality safes with more than 50 customers in New York City. Graham Wyler was forced to break into one of their safes in “The High Road”. In “Shadow Box”, Philip Chapple stores the pass code for his bank deposit box in an Everhold safe.


Image Name Appeared in
2x14 - fetchandretrieve
Q&A”, numerous other episodes

    Main article:
An internet search engine frequently used by Harold Finch.

[[File:|250px]] Fisher Savings & Loan

A bank in New York City where Dr. Shane Edwards staged a robbery to frame someone who caused a traffic accident that injured one of his patients.

3x05 - FitzhughQuinnell Fitzhugh Quinnell School

One of the top schools in world. Finch enrolled Genrika Zhirova at the school after making her his ward.

2x14 - Friendczar
One Percent”, Nothing to Hide”, “Reasonable Doubt”, “Pretenders”, “Q&A”, “Skip”, “SNAFU”, (“Sotto Voce”)

Social network site founded by Logan Pierce and Justin Ogilvy. Wayne Kruger, Nicole Spencer, Abel Mindler, Anna Mueller, and Frankie Wells keep an account there.
The Social plugin for the site can be seen in “Nothing to Hide”, “Razgovor”, and “Death Benefit”, and several other episodes. "The Voice" later uses the site to find an actress named Jennifer Kent to play his alias's wife.

2x07 - Fujima Fujima Techtronics
Critical”, mentioned in “Dead Reckoning

A tech firm located at 66 11th Avenue. Kara Stanton tasked Mark Snow to break into the R&D facility and steal a hard drive, which she would later use to download the Machine virus.


Image Name Appeared in
4x13 - GangPortal Gang Portal

A website Finch uses to research gang activity in New York City.

4x06 - Geospacial Geospacial Predictive Analytics, LLC

Run by Elizabeth Bridges, Geospacial is a leader in predictive analytics, and has some rad algorithms that Samaritan appears to be interested in.

3x13 - Italy Rome Let's buy a new suit Gianni's Atelier

A tailor at Via Palestro in Rome, Italy. Finch recommends the atelier to Reese saying that he's the best. Finch would later praise Reese's new suit as a "sartorial success". (“Provenance”)

2x14 - Grand Vishera Invoice Grand Vishera Hotel
One Percent

Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia where Logan Pierce hid Emily Morton.

2x04 - Grant Grant
Triggerman”, mentioned by Finch in “Booked Solid

Restaurant in New York City which serves a "mean rib eye", according to Finch. Annie Delaney works there as a waitress. In “Booked Solid”, while posing as a Hotel concierge, Finch recommends the restaurant to hotel guests.

1x20 - Grayling Grayling Armored Services
Matsya Nyaya

Security company where Finch put Reese undercover to keep an eye on Tommy Clay.

POI 0320 S8 Greenglade Strategists, Inc.
Death Benefit”, “Beta

Shell corporation set up by Decima Technologies. In “Beta” they received several servers from another company, Anance.


Image Name Appeared in
[[File:|250px]] Hook Line & Seeker

A search engine similar to

HudsonLF Hudson Liberty Financials
Cura Te Ipsum

Investment firm where Andrew Benton works.

3x18 - HydraCorp HydralCorp

A private energy company run by Ken Davis. The company builds infrastructure in 3rd world countries. It is affiliated with the U.S. Government and Decima Technologies. Maria Martinez works there.


Image Name Appeared in
2x12 - Identity Searcher
Cura Te Ipsum”, “Witness”, “Triggerman”, “Prisoner's Dilemma”, “M.I.A.”, “SNAFU

A website used by Finch to look up Andrew Benton, Charlie Burton, Riley Cavanaugh, and Nicholas Donnelly, and several others.

1x02 - IFT Logo IFT
Ghosts”, “Super”, “No Good Deed”, “One Percent

    Main article: IFT
A software company founded by Nathan Ingram. It is described as "a world leader in computer technology". The company is involved in CPU architecture research. Finch used to work at IFT for 17 years until he quit in 2011. IFT also manufactured the servers which store the Machine.
Characters refer to IFT in “Legacy”, “Wolf and Cub”, “Trojan Horse”, and “God Mode”.

4x14 - Infinince Infinince Telecommunications

A telecommunications company previously run by Caroline Mills. The company was involved in research about 5K, a next generation cellular communications standard, which was deemed unsafe in a consumer safety evaluation. The company tried to cover it up and had Mills murdered when she tried to call off the deal.


Image Name Appeared in
3x06 - knowtionary Knowtionary
Prisoner's Dilemma”, “Booked Solid”, “Mors Praematura

Online encyclopedia Finch used to check names associated with the American Revolution. He also used the site to look up Charles Harris, a reporter working with Mira Dobrica in “Booked Solid”, and also to send Fusco some links about a person of interest in “Prisoner's Dilemma”.


Image Name Appeared in
[[File:|250px]] Liberty State Mutual

Insurance firm where Arthur Bellenger works. The firm was handling insurance matters regarding Theresa Whitaker's inheritance.

3x02 - Lifetrace Lifetrace
Nothing to Hide

Founded by Wayne Kruger. Lifetrace scans all digital footprints to create complete transparency.

4x13 - LinkedWeb LinkedWeb
M.I.A.”, “Karma

A business-oriented social networking service. In “M.I.A.”, Finch uses the website to find out more about Marcus Young and Delia Jones.


Image Name Appeared in
1x11 - Burdett Mamostein Ribner
Cura Te Ipsum

Law firm where Norman Burdett works as a paralegal.

2x05 - John Anderson
Legacy”, “Bury the Lede

A dating site used by Andrea Gutierrez in “Legacy”. Finch later uses the same site to create a dating profile for Reese under the alias "John Anderson" when Reese had to protect Maxine Angelis in “Bury the Lede”.

1x19 - Marbury High School Marbury High School
Flesh and Blood

School in Brooklyn where Taylor Carter goes to.

3x17 - Maxwell Maxwell Limited
Root Path (/)

A front for an NSA lab which built a chip that is powerful enough to run Samaritan.

File:3x02 - Mayfield Hotel.png Mayfield Hotel
Nothing to Hide

Hotel in New York where Wayne Kruger was killed by Peter Collier.

2x10 - MertonWatts Merton Watts Bank
Shadow Box

Investment bank at Hanover St. where the FBI finally caught the Man in the Suit. The bank also handles all foreclosure sales for Philip Chapple's charity Homes For Our Returning Heroes.


Image Name Appeared in
3x17 - NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Root Path (/)

Research institute which participated in developing a superconducting processor which would eventually be used to power on Samaritan.

3x10 - Newspapers2x01 - CorpusChristiChronicle

3x13 - Colombian newspaper

Articles appear in several episodes

Several newspapers besides The New York Journal make frequent appearances throughout the seasons:

  • Gazetta di Roma (“4C”)
  • Las Noticias de Medellin (“4C”)
[[File:|250px]] New York General Hospital
Critical”, “Lethe

Hospital in New York where Madeleine Enright works. In “Lethe”, Shaw poses as a doctor who had just transferred from NY General.

NYJournal 2x09 The New York Journal
Bury the Lede”; Articles appear in several episodes

    Main article: The New York Journal
Newspaper Maxine Angelis works for. The newspaper often covers stories relevant to either persons of interest or complement background information.

POI 0311 Shaw3 New York Unified Hospital

Hospital in New York where Arthur Claypool was treated. Shaw worked there undercover as Dr. Anne Moore to keep an eye on Claypool.


Image Name Appeared in
1x20 - OneState Bank OneState Bank
Appears in almost every episode

    Main article: OneState Bank
Bank in New York City which makes numerous appearances throughout the seasons.

2x06 - Out & In Moving company Out & In Moving
The High Road

Moving company which helped Reese and Zoe to move into their new house in Far Rockaway.


Image Name Appeared in
[[File:|250px]] Parkhurst Securities

2x12 - PWA Howard French Pebler, Wright & Associates
Prisoner's Dilemma

An investment firm run by Howard French. It is where John Warren works.


Image Name Appeared in
1x20 - Royal Manhattan Hotel Royal Manhattan Hotel
Matsya Nyaya

Kara Stanton lured Mark Snow and Tyrell Evans to the hotel to take revenge on Snow for sending her on a suicide mission to Ordos.

3x11 - Runyon Runyon Technology Solutions
Lethe”, “Most Likely To...

Software company in Maryland where Arthur Claypool used to work as an IT consultant. The company name appears among the classified documents Peter Collier acquired in “Most Likely To...”.

2x19 - Rylatech Rylatech
Trojan Horse”, “Deus Ex Machina

    Main article: Rylatech
One of the nation's leading networking firms producing switches and routers and a major supplier to the U.S. Government. It went bankrupt after being involved in espionage which allowed Decima Technologies to steal data stored on Rylatech hardware which was used in government facilities. In “Deus Ex Machina”, Vigilance uses satellite technology made by Rylatech.


Image Name Appeared in
2x05 Shotshuffler
Bury the Lede
Prisoner's Dilemma

A photo sharing site with a facial recognition app that was shut down by a lawsuit. Finch uses the service to find out who's after Maxine Angelis. In “Prisoner's Dilemma”, Finch uses the service to find out more about Wayne Packer, Charles Macavoy, and Brian Kelly.

2x13 - Stillwater Stillwater Imports
Dead Reckoning

A cover firm for the Department of Defense at 780 Mercer St. It is where Kara Stanton uploads the virus.

3x06 - Storeit4ever Store-It-4Ever
Mors Praematura

Vigilance uses Store-it-4Ever storage units to communicate with their members by leaving encrypted messages on the walls of a storage room. Those messages were written using paint that is only visible under UV light.

2x16 - Suffolk Hotel Suffolk Hotel

Hotel in Manhattan where Root tortured Shaw about the whereabouts of the Machine.

POI 0403 S8 SymeTel Wireless
Matsya Nyaya”, “Nothing to Hide”, “Lady Killer”, “The Perfect Mark”, “Lethe”, “Most Likely To...”, “Wingman

Burner phone brand Tommy Clay uses. The company releases their phone numbers in consecutive blocks. Wayne Kruger and Vigilance also use their phones. Arthur Claypool and Harold Wren have a subscription to SymeTel services. Andre Cooper also uses Symetel for his business as a wingman.


Image Name Appeared in
2x21 - Thornhill Corporation Thornhill Corporation
Zero Day
mentioned inSkip

    Main article: Thornhill Corporation
Data entry company owned by Ernest Thornhill. It is really a front for the Machine trying to preserve its memories. In “Skip”, Harper Rose mentions that she's been receiving text messages from Thornhill.

NYJournal 1x16 Tritak Energy

Energy company involved in insider trading at Baylor Zimm.

2x03 - Turndale Technologies Turndale Technologies

Technology company which manufactured the RFID chip that Decima Technologies implanted in Alicia Corwin.


Image Name Appeared in
1x21 - Harold Wren's business card Universal Heritage Insurance
Wolf and Cub”, Many Happy Returns”, “Shadow Box

    Main article: Universal Heritage Insurance
An insurance company where Harold Wren works as an underwriter.


Image Name Appeared in
3x13 - Vahlra Vahlra Creative Technology & Development Firm

Tech firm where Owen Matthews works. The company hosted the Black Market Bazaar website.

3x03 - VanishText Vanish Text
Lady Killer

Smartphone app which deletes text messages once the recipient read them. Ian Murphy uses the app to communicate with his dates.

1x06 - Virtanen Virtanen Pharmaceuticals
The Fix”, mentioned in “Risk

Pharmaceutical company run by Robert Keller and Mark Lawson who faked clinical trial reports for their new drug "Sylocet". When Dana Miller wanted to blow the whistle on them, they had her killed. Finch and Reese brought them to justice and Finch shorted Virtanen's stock to the tune of half a billion shares in the process. According to Adam Saunders, the only thing that would've kept the company from bankruptcy was Keller being acquitted. After he was convicted, it was indicated that Virtanen went bankrupt, aided by all of its remaining money going to Keller's legal defense.


Image Name Appeared in
POI 0320 S7 Wayfarer Car Service
Zero Day”, “Death Benefit

Rental car service in NYC and Washington D.C. In “Zero Day” a car was booked for Ernest Thornhill which was blown up by Decima. In “Death Benefit”, Decima booked a car at Wayfarer under the name of their shell corporation, Greenglade Strategists.

4x06 - Witherton Withering Insurance

Insurance company where Walter Dang, Elena Mindler, and Mr. Needlehoe work. Shaw started there as a temp in order to keep eyes on Walter after the Machine produced his number.

3x13 - Worldmapper Travel Worldmapper Travel

A storefront for the ISA where Foster works. He's the one who makes travel arrangements for ISA agents.


Image Name Appeared in
2x13 - Yeardley Yeardley Pharmaceuticals
Dead Reckoning

Kara Stanton's last listed employer shown in the material Finch retrieved upon receiving her SSN number.


Image Name Appeared in
3x13 - Zephyr Airlines Zephyr Airlines
4C”, “QSO

Commercial airline where Holly works. Reese booked a flight with them from New York to Istanbul but the Machine intervened and booked him on a flight to Rome instead while assigning him a new number.
In “QSO”, Root gives Fusco a manila envelope containing fake identities and flight tickets on Zephyr Airlines.


