Person of Interest is a crime thriller series, created by Jonathan Nolan . The pilot originally aired on Thursday, September 22, 2011 on CBS . The TV series is now over.
Episodes [ ]
Main article: Portal:Episodes
Characters [ ]
Main article: Portal:Recurring Characters
Media [ ]
Person of Interest - Person of Interest - Behind the Machine
Behind the Machine
Person of Interest - Person of Interest - Behind The Scenes Michael Emerson
Behind The Scenes Michael Emerson
Behind The Scenes The Machine
Person of Interest - Behind The Scenes Executive Producers
Behind The Scenes Executive Producers
Person of Interest - Behind The Scenes True To Life
Behind The Scenes True To Life
Person of Interest - Person Of Interest - Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Person of Interest - Person of Interest - Sucker For Surveillance
Sucker For Surveillance
Person of Interest - Character Recognition Taraji P. Henson
Character Recognition Taraji P. Henson
Person of Interest - Character Recognition Jim Caviezel
Character Recognition Jim Caviezel
Person of Interest - Character Recognition Michael Emerson
Character Recognition Michael Emerson
Person of Interest - Character Recognition Kevin Chapman
Character Recognition Kevin Chapman